Fire, Fire, Fire

MISSOULA, MT Mike knew I was disappointed not to stay in Bozeman, and in his search for an RV park he found the Square Dance RV park in Lolo, Montana where the RV park has a dance-hall and they dance 3-4 … Read More


Brrr.  It’s COLD in South Dakota.  So glad to be heading back to “warm” Colorado, even as the ski resorts in our neighborhood closed this week due to too much snow. But I’m getting ahead of myself.  As soon as the holiday festivities … Read More

Closer to Reality

 Celebration of Life – Charles Christopher 1938-2016 Over Thanksgiving weekend we went to my uncle’s memorial in Columbus, OH. My mothers brother, Charlie Christopher, died October 4 and the family decided to have a Celebration of Life on the Friday … Read More