Video Adventures

Curabitur a tempor orci, at venenatis quam. Cras non auctor sem, eu convallis ante. Integer pulvinar urna id dapibus eleifend. Aenean interdum, ex vitae vestibulum semper, sem purus commodo tellus, nec dictum tellus orci eget neque. Proin sagittis hendrerit gravida. … Read More

How to have successful adventures

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus scelerisque est at viverra mollis. Nullam nec eros sed urna euismod ultricies at vitae nibh. Integer ut elementum diam. Sed venenatis vehicula elit, at rutrum urna vestibulum non. Fusce rutrum dui … Read More

To my mind, the greatest reward and luxury of travel is to be able to experience everyday things as if for the first time, to be in a position in which almost nothing is so familiar it is taken for granted.


Brrr.  It’s COLD in South Dakota.  So glad to be heading back to “warm” Colorado, even as the ski resorts in our neighborhood closed this week due to too much snow. But I’m getting ahead of myself.  As soon as the holiday festivities … Read More

Closer to Reality

 Celebration of Life – Charles Christopher 1938-2016 Over Thanksgiving weekend we went to my uncle’s memorial in Columbus, OH. My mothers brother, Charlie Christopher, died October 4 and the family decided to have a Celebration of Life on the Friday … Read More