Alaska, Whittier – Williwaw USFS Campground


Williwaw USFS Campground

Mile 4,1 Portage Glacier Rd

Whittier AK 99515

(907) 522 2868


    • Rated as: Average. Would stay again
    • Rate Paid: $9.00 night
    • Discounts: Senior pass 50% discount
    • Stay duration: June 19, 2018
    • Number of Sites: 60
    • Utilities: water available
    • Park WIFI: none
    • Personal WIFI: ATT or Verizon – Fair with booster
    • ATT and Verizon Phone: ATT fair, Verizon did not try
    • Pool / hot-tub: none
    • Laundry Facilities: none
    • Cable TV: none
    • Clubhouse: none
    • Activities: none
    • Mailing address: none


  • Rated as: Average  Very nice, heavily treed camp ground. Paved roads and level sights. Located just outside the Whittier access tunnel. Roads and sites are a little over grown and could use some maintenance, A tree was down at the campsite and had not been removed. Each site has a fire pit and a picnic table. Water spigots are located throughout the campground. There are pit toilets. There are some first come first serve sites, but reservations are recommended. Would stay there again.
  • Rated as: Average.

Other Notes :

  • Located very close to Whittier access tunnel.



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