Canada, Alberta, Banff National Park- Tunnel Mountain Campground

Tunnel Mountain Camp Ground

Banff National Park

Alberta, Canada T0E1E0

403 762 1550


  • Rated as: Average. Would stay again
  • Rate Paid: $27.50ca per night + park entrance fee
  • Discounts: none
  • Stay duration: May 27, 2018 Site #26NN
  • Number of Sites: 781
  • Utilities: Few in selected locations
  • Park WIFI: none
  • Personal WIFI: ATT or Verizon – Good
  • ATT and Verizon Phone: good
  • Laundry Facilities: None
  • Cable TV: none
  • Clubhouse: none
  • Activities: Ranger lead lectures and tours
  • Mailing address: none



  • Rated as: Average.Beautiful, well maintain camp ground. Paved roads and paved level sights. Heavily treed and private sites. Each site has a fire pit and a picnic table. No hookups. There are pit toilets in the camp ground and free showers by camp ground entrance. The showers are cleaned only once a day, get heavy use, and are not too clean after the first couple hours of the day. Fills up fast, so reservations way in advance are highly recommended. There are very few first come first serve sites, but go quickly. Several people were turned away while we checked in. Recommended, would stay there again. Rated as: Average.




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