These products are all items we use personally and feel are fantastic additions to our life, and would be interesting to our readers. Many of them are great options for full-time RVer’s. We also think they will fit into your life even if you are not an RVer. Take a look, if you buy through our link we get paid a small commission, but mostly we just want you to know about all the cool stuff..

Viair 40047 400P-RV Automatic Portable Compressor Kit

This is a real, heavy duty Air Compressor to fill RV and truck tires. It is pricey, but well worth the cost over cheap, low quality units. It attaches to the engine or house battery terminals for power.  There is a built in air gauge, long hose, connector for filling dual wheel tires, and a convenient carrying case.  The soft case is compact and easy to store in a RV.  It is a bit slow to fill, but will get the job accomplished. Put it on your wish list, it does come on sale quite often.