These products are all items we use personally and feel are fantastic additions to our life, and would be interesting to our readers. Many of them are great options for full-time RVer’s. We also think they will fit into your life even if you are not an RVer. Take a look, if you buy through our link we get paid a small commission, but mostly we just want you to know about all the cool stuff..


Every RV should have electrical protection. RV parks are notorious for having power surges due to the large number of RV’s using the electrical circuits. Power surges can trip breakers, burn wiring, or start fires. Purchase a quality surge protector capable of handling the power requirements of your RV. Do not buy a 30 amp unit for a 50 amp power supply. It is cheap insurance. This is one of the best and well worth the cost. Their customer service is excellent. For security, it is important to lock the surge protector to the electrical stand.  Make sure the cable cannot be slid over the top of the electrical stand. Caution: Do not lock the breaker access door.