Vermilionville Living History Museum & Folklife Park
300 Fisher Rd
- website: https://bayouvermiliondistrict.org/vermilionville/
- Membership: Harvest Hosts
- Rate Paid: free
- Entrance fee: $10, Seniors $8.00
- Stay duration: Feb 9, 2019
- Number of Sites: 4 – up to 45′
- Utilities: none
- WIFI: no
- Personal WIFI: T-Mobile or Verizon – excellent
- T-Mobile and Verizon Phone – excellent
Rated as: Average. This is a living re-creation of 1800’s. There are extensive examples of period architecture and lifestyle with people dressed for the work or activity they are performing. Black Smith, Archery, Cooking, Library, Education, Music, classes, group tours, and more. There is a gift shop, gardens, lake, pull ferry, interactive events all included. The RV parking is on gravel or asphalt. One area is on the side of the street, the other is in the parking lot within the park behind the entrance gate. The gates are locked at night, so access is limited. They are open 6 days a week, 10 AM to 4 PM. It was a memorable experience we would highly recommend. We would stay there again. Rated as: Average.
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No video